Kids should get paid to do chores

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Kids should get paid to do chores by Mind Map: Kids should get paid to do chores

1. The parents don't get paid to do chores so why should kids?

1.1. The parent has probably already done chores before and gotten paid and they don't need to get paid for doing things around the house because it's their house and they more likely have a job and so they get paid from doing their job. The child will ask to at least get a little money for doing stuff around the house because they don't have a job to pay them money like their parent and so they think working around the house for some money is like a small job.

2. Earned it

2.1. If they have other things they have to do their parents could say they will pay them some money to do chores and

3. Parents don't have time

3.1. “If they have other things they have to do their parents could say they will pay them some money to do chores and you know how I am always asking for money? Pay me to help around the house, brilliant idea right?.” ("Should Kids Get Paid to do Chores" 26).

4. They'll learn to do more stuff around the house

4.1. The kid will start to do more around the house because they want to get paid and they will start to do a lot more and it helps them want to do more to get paid more and they have deserved it since they are doing more and more as they go.