libby's dad should do her school project.

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libby's dad should do her school project. by Mind Map: libby's dad should do her school project.

1. Failure leads to success.

1.1. sq: Failure is good to try new things, but if there is one shot at it then you might lose what you're doing very good. if it’s your whole life then it might get ruined, you can not do it again.

2. reason 3: College scouts

2.1. ed: "Could offer me a scholarship (don’t need to worry about paying all of my college tuition!)" "should libby's dad do her school project?"

3. reason 1: All-state championship for basketball

3.1. ed: If she fails, she can’t play until she fix’s her garde’s

4. Reason 2: if her dad doesn't help

4.1. ed: "Put on academic probation" "should libby's dad do her school project?"