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1. Matriarchal

2. Feminism

3. Our Tribes

4. Our lifestyle

5. Our values

6. Modern Society

7. New formed tribe 'Land of no men'

8. Culture

9. Social charachteristics

9.1. Structure & Lifestyle

10. How can Tribes inform our modern culture?

11. Comunication

11.1. Language

12. Leader

12.1. Status

12.2. Rules

13. Share

14. Natural materials

15. Values

16. Ornaments, Arts & Crafts

17. Rites

17.1. Healing

17.2. Ceremonies

17.3. Dance

17.4. Spiritual Journeys

17.4.1. Chakras

17.4.2. Meditation

18. Colors

18.1. Body paint

18.2. Clothing

19. Forest

19.1. Isolated

19.2. Natural Resouces

20. Self sufficient

20.1. Hunters

20.2. Weapons

21. Organisation

21.1. by

21.1.1. Social reasons

21.1.2. Religion

21.1.3. Blood ties

22. Loyal