PM Tools & Techniques by alphabetic order (as per PMBOK 4th edition)

This mindmap presents the Project Management Process Tools & Techniques . It is 100% based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Fourth Edition, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Its purpose is to help the PMBOK readers to gain a global understanding of these processes by using the friendly navigation feature of a mind map. The interactive nature of mindmaps makes it possible to answer the following questions in just one click of a mouse: - Artefact X i...

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PM Tools & Techniques by alphabetic order (as per PMBOK 4th edition) por Mind Map: PM Tools & Techniques by alphabetic order (as per PMBOK 4th edition)

1. Suggested links for further study

1.1. PMI

1.2. PM Podcast

1.3. PM Mindmaps

2. About this mindmap

2.1. Version

2.1.1. 1.5

2.2. Feedback

2.2.1. Email me your feedback, including ideas, comments and critics. If your would like to help me complete this mindmap with additional information, such as terms definitions extracts from the PMBOK, etc., your help will be much appreciated.

2.3. Future improvements

2.3.1. The next steps shall be: 1). Complete the inclusion of all process inputs, tools & techniques and process outputs. At this point, only half of the processes are fully documented. 2). Display a complete list of artefacts, display which contains or may contain which, etc. 3). Add definitions extracted from the PMBOK with due references to the book. 4). Decompose quality tools since there are many of these and include sample pictures of the various graphs that could be used. 5). Other ideas for improvement will be most welcome...

3. Legend

3.1. .

3.1.1. Initiating Process Group

3.2. .

3.2.1. Planning Process Group

3.3. .

3.3.1. Executing Process Group

3.4. .

3.4.1. Monitoring & Controlling Process Group

3.5. .

3.5.1. Closing Process Group

3.6. .

3.6.1. Project Integration Management

3.7. .

3.7.1. Project Scope Management

3.8. .

3.8.1. Project Time Management

3.9. .

3.9.1. Project Cost Management

3.10. .

3.10.1. Project Quality Management

3.11. .

3.11.1. Project Human Resource Management

3.12. .

3.12.1. Project Communications Management

3.13. .

3.13.1. Project Risk Management

3.14. .

3.14.1. Project Procurement Management

3.15. .

3.15.1. Process Input

3.16. .

3.16.1. Tools & Techniques

3.17. .

3.17.1. Process Output

4. What-If Scenario Analysis

4.1. Develop Schedule

5. Three-Point Estimates

5.1. Estimate Activity Durations

6. Templates

6.1. Define Activities

7. Stakeholder Analysis

7.1. Identify Stakeholders

8. Scheduling Tool

8.1. Develop Schedule

9. Schedule Network Templates

9.1. Sequence Activities

10. Schedule Network Analysis

10.1. Develop Schedule

11. Schedule Compression

11.1. Develop Schedule

12. Rolling Wave Planning

12.1. Define Activities

13. Resource Leveling

13.1. Develop Schedule

14. Reserve Analysis

14.1. Estimate Activity Durations

15. Questionnaires & Surveys

15.1. Collect Requirements

16. Published Estimating Data

16.1. Estimate Activity Resources

17. Prototypes

17.1. Collect Requirements

18. Project Management Software

18.1. Estimate Activity Resources

19. Product Analysis

19.1. Define Scope

20. Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

20.1. Sequence Activities

21. Parametric Estimating

21.1. Estimate Activity Durations

22. Observations

22.1. Collect Requirements

23. Interviews

23.1. Collect Requirements

24. Group Decision Making Techniques

24.1. Collect Requirements

25. Group Creativity Techniques

25.1. Collect Requirements

26. Focus Groups

26.1. Collect Requirements

27. Facilitated Workshops

27.1. Collect Requirements

27.2. Define Scope

28. Expert Judgment

28.1. Develop Project Charter

28.2. Identify Stakeholders

28.3. Develop Project Management Plan

28.4. Define Scope

28.5. Define Activities

28.6. Estimate Activity Resources

28.7. Estimate Activity Durations

29. Develop Schedule

30. Dependency Determination

30.1. Sequence Activities

31. Decomposition

31.1. Create WBS

31.2. Define Activities

32. Critical Path Method

32.1. Develop Schedule

33. Critical Chain Method

33.1. Develop Schedule

34. Bottom-up Estimating

34.1. Estimate Activity Resources

35. Applying Leads & Lags

35.1. Sequence Activities

35.2. Develop Schedule

36. Analogous Estimating

36.1. Estimate Activity Durations

37. Alternatives Identification

37.1. Define Scope

38. Alternatives Analysis

38.1. Estimate Activity Resources