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1. CRUD on users

1.1. Login/Signup for Users

1.2. OTP Verifications

1.3. User Preferences updates

1.4. Gain Trust through connecting social and and email verification

2. CRUD on Dealers

2.1. Login/Signup for Dealers

2.2. OTP Verification

2.3. Document Approval Process

2.4. Listing a new/old car

2.5. update dealer service and maintenance features

3. Nearby Search

3.1. Dealer Listing

3.2. Cars Listing

4. Purchasing/Appointment

4.1. payment option integration

4.2. purchasing for new car

4.3. purchasing for old car

4.4. CRUD for Service Appointment

5. Trending Offers

5.1. Affiliated Offers

5.2. Offers to Dealer Integration