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My Mind by Mind Map: My Mind

1. Preferred Teaching Styles

1.1. Small Groups

1.2. Visual Focus

1.3. Conceptual Presentation

2. Preferred Study Strategies

2.1. Musical-Rhythmic

2.2. Logical-Mathematical

2.3. Interpersonal

3. Personality Spectrum

3.1. Giver 24

3.2. Thinker 21

3.3. Adventurer 20

3.4. Organizer 15

4. Mutiple Inteligences

4.1. Body-Kinesthetic 22

4.2. Visual-Spatial 11

4.3. Musical 24

4.4. Interpersonal 24

4.5. Verbal-Linguistic 23

4.6. Logical-Mathematical 23

4.7. Intrapersonal 16

4.8. Naturalistic 13

5. Building Excellence

5.1. Sociological Elements: I work best in groups of 2-5

5.2. Psychological Elements: I am more global and reflective than analytical and impulsive

6. Emotional Inteligence

6.1. "Good EQ Congratulations! You have high emotional intelligence."-Emotional Intelligence Quiz

7. Interests

7.1. "Realistic 17 Investigative 28 Artistic 34 Social 26 Enterprising 28 Conventional 24"- MyNextMove

8. Values

8.1. "Commitment 5 Compassion 7 Conflict resolution 2 Creativity 5 Ethics 7 Forgiveness 7 Generosity 5 Independence 4 Perseverance 4 Respect 2" - Personal Values Assessment