Reasons you should clone your pet.

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Reasons you should clone your pet. by Mind Map: Reasons you should clone your pet.

1. CA. If Beck says it cost to much then it is still worth having your pet.

2. A1. When your dog dies, you feel sad but if you clone your dog it’s like your dog is coming back to life.

2.1. " They still miss Melvin, they say, but having two more dogs so similar to him has helped "quite a bit."- NPR

3. A2. When you clone a dog it should be able to help with a grieving.

3.1. “Most of the dogs cloned so far have been for grieving pet owners.”- NPR

4. A3. You might think cloning has a high risk of not working but now scientist have lowered the risk of many health issues.

4.1. “Now improved cloning technology has greatly lowered the risk of many health issues."-Scope