Justin Bieber should be deported

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Justin Bieber should be deported by Mind Map: Justin Bieber should be deported

1. immigration

1.1. "immigrating to the U.S. would be a dreamer chance to start a new life in a country with good education, good health care, and job opportunities. But only limited number of people are allowed to immigrate here each year-and some Americans are pointing to this reason for Bieber to go.''( Hannan 28 .)

2. he is a great singer and everybody loves it.

3. He broke the lawl

3.1. "A 19 year old man was drag racing a yellow Lamborghini sports car, driving at NASCAR speeds through the quite residential neighborhood. he was allegedly drunk and driving without a valid drivers license.'' ( Hannan 26 ).

4. He is not a role model to kids

4.1. '' When police pulled him over, he was abusive and resisted arrest. Two days late the same young man was allegedly throwing eggs at a neighbor's house, causing 20,000 in damage."(Hannan 26).