differences between Piecewise and Quadratics functions

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differences between Piecewise and Quadratics functions by Mind Map: differences between Piecewise and Quadratics functions

1. Quadratic Functions

2. simularities

2.1. they both can be graphed

2.2. they both form a parabola

3. 2. Quadratic function has a conic section

4. 1. is defined by one function

5. how to solve

5.1. simplest way to solve "ax2 + bx + c = 0" for the value of x is to factor the quadratic, set each factor equal to zero, and then solve each factor.

6. examples

7. 3. Quadratic functions are meant to find points between a parabola.

8. Piecewise functions

9. 1.Deals and haves subfunctions to find a domain

10. how to solve

10.1. is a function which is defined by multiple sub-functions, each sub-function applying to a certain interval of the main function's domain

11. examples

12. 3. is meant to express a function

13. 2. is defined by multiple subfunctions.