Consumer Markets And Consumer Buyer Behavior

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Consumer Markets And Consumer Buyer Behavior por Mind Map: Consumer Markets And Consumer Buyer Behavior

1. Types Of Buying Decision Behavior

1.1. Complex Buying Behavior

1.1.1. high consumer involvement in a purchase and significant perceived differences among brands.

1.2. Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior

1.2.1. high involvement but few perceived differences among brands

1.3. Habitual Buying Behavior

1.3.1. low consumer involvement and few significant perceived brand differences

1.4. Variety-Seeking Buying Behavior

1.4.1. low consumer involvement but significant perceived brand difference

2. The Buyer Decision Process

2.1. Need Recognition

2.2. Information Search

2.3. Evaluation Of Alternative

2.4. Purchase Decision

2.5. Post-Purchase Behavior

3. The Buyer Decision Process For New Product

3.1. Awareness

3.2. Interest

3.3. Evaluation

3.4. Trial

3.5. Adoption

4. Individual Differences in Innovation

4.1. innovators are venturesome

4.2. Early Adopt are guided by respect

4.3. Early Majority are deliberate

4.4. Late Majority are skeptical

4.5. Laggards are tradition bound

5. Influence Of Product Characteristics On Rate Of Adoption

5.1. Ralative Adantage

5.2. Compatibility

5.3. Complexity

5.4. Divisibility

5.5. Communicability

6. Model Of Consumer behavior

6.1. The buying behavior of final consumers- individuals and household who buy goods and services for personal consupmtion

7. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior ( Buyer)

7.1. Cultural

7.1.1. culture

7.1.2. Subculture

7.1.3. Social class

7.2. Social

7.2.1. Reference group

7.2.2. Family

7.2.3. Roles and Status

7.3. Personal

7.3.1. Age and life cycle stage

7.3.2. Occupation

7.3.3. Economic situation

7.3.4. Personality and self concept

7.4. Psychological

7.4.1. Motivation

7.4.2. Perception

7.4.3. Learning

7.4.4. Beliefs and attitude