Consumer Behavior
by Ng Sinloong
1. Type of Buying Decision
1.1. Complex buying behavior
1.2. Variety-seeking buying behavior
1.3. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior
1.4. Habitual buying behavior
2. Buyer Decision Process
2.1. 1. Need recognition
2.2. 2. Information search
2.3. 3. Evaluation alternative
2.4. 4. Purchase decision
2.5. 5. Post-purchase behavior
3. The Buyer Decision Process for New Products
3.1. Awareness
3.2. Interest
3.3. Evaluation
3.4. Trial
3.5. Adoption
4. Model of Consumer Behavior
4.1. The buying behavior of final consumers-individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption
5. Characteristics affecting consumer behavior
5.1. Social
5.2. Culture
5.3. Personal
5.4. Psychological
6. Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of Adoption
6.1. Relative advantage
6.2. Compatibility
6.3. Complexity
6.4. Divisibility
6.5. Communicability