Harry Potter Character Traits By: Madysen Prater

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Harry Potter Character Traits By: Madysen Prater por Mind Map: Harry Potter Character Traits By: Madysen Prater

1. He is very strong b/c even though he does not have physical strength, his "wizard strangth" is stronger than anyone in the world.

2. He is very curious b/c he will go out and look/listen to other people to find out things that are going on.

3. He is very fearful b/c he isn't afrain to do what needs to be done to someone, even if it could kill them.

4. He is very brave b/c he was not scared to do what had to be done even though he could easily die trying to do it.

5. He is very friendly b/c when he saw that Hermione was alone, he went over to her and became her friend.

6. He is very modest b/c he is rich and doesn't gloat about it. He tries to buy things for his friends whenever he can.