Thomas More's Utopia

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Thomas More's Utopia por Mind Map: Thomas More's Utopia

1. Christian Synthesis

1.1. The Christian aspect of the synthesis is CHrist's gospel of caring for the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden.

1.2. The Platonic, Republican tradition is the Greek aspect of the synthesis.

1.3. More wrote Utopia with a comedic tone, allowing him to speak his truth while telling deeper story.

2. Meaning of Work

2.1. work is a necessity and everyone shall do their job as it is necessary for the society to run.

3. Governmental system

3.1. The system is based on one person ruling in order to keep order

3.1.1. New node

4. Happiness in Utopia

5. Overview of Utopia

5.1. Thomas More's Utopia is a Christian Humanist view of an ideal society.

5.1.1. New node

5.2. More doesnt simply offer a theoretical view, but provides specifics for how to create this world.

5.3. Utopia offers a Christianized form of Plato's Republic.

6. Property divided in Utopia

6.1. Communal Landownership

6.1.1. No private property

7. Slavery in Utopia

7.1. Every household must have 2 slaves

7.2. Slaves are held down with gold chains

8. Critique of Great Britain

8.1. By making the book Utopia, he is insulting Great Britain because it is very flawed