1. 3.9 Wrap-up interview
1.1. 3.9.1 Interview with Dr. Tristan Ferraro
2. 3.8 Geographic scope
2.1. 3.8.1 Introduction
2.1.1. Introduction
2.1.2. General remarks on the geographical scope of application of IHL
2.1.3. Text Tadic case Kunarac case
2.1.4. T/F (1 pt)
2.2. 3.8.2 Accepted evolution in NIACS: spillover conflicts
2.2.1. The application of IHL to spillover non-international armed conflicts
2.2.2. Excerpt of the Statute of the ICTR Full statute
2.2.3. T/F (1 pt)
2.3. 3.8.3 Controversial evolutions in NIACs (part I)
2.3.1. Does IHL apply to the territory of the state intervening against armed groups abroad?
2.3.2. Extract from an article written by Jelena Pejic Full article Advisory Report on Armed Drones “Charting the Legal Geography of Non-International Armed Conflict”
2.3.3. MCQ (1 pt)
2.3.4. Excerpt of the 2002 EU Decision framework on combating terrorism Full text
2.3.5. T/F (1 pt)
2.4. 3.8.4 Controversial evolutions in NIACS (part II)
2.4.1. Worldwide application of IHL in relation to a specific NIAC occurring in a State
2.4.2. Extract from “A Global Battlefield? Drones and the Geographical Scope of Armed Conflict”
2.4.3. MCQ (1 pt)
2.5. 3.8.5 Controversial evolutions in NIACs (part III)
2.5.1. Worldwide battlefield without any nexus to a specific NIAC occurring in a State
2.5.2. Excerpt of the 2016 ICRC Commentary of Art. 3 of the first Geneva Convention Full commentary
2.5.3. T/F (1 pt)
2.6. 3.8.6 International armed conflicts
2.6.1. Explanation
2.6.2. Excerpt of “The Geographical Scope of Application of the Conventions”(Katja Schöberl)
2.6.3. MCQ (1 pt)
2.7. 3.8.7 Belligerent occupation
2.7.1. Explanation
2.7.2. T/F (1 pt)
3. 3.7 Temporal scope
3.1. 3.7.1 Introduction
3.1.1. General remarks and principles on the temporal scope of application of IHL
3.1.2. MCQ (1 pt)
3.2. 3.7.2 International armed conflict
3.2.1. Introduction Article 6 of GCIV Article 3 of API Several other articles
3.2.2. What does “general close of military operations” mean?
3.2.3. T/F (1 pt)
3.2.4. MCQ (1 pt)
3.3. 3.7.3 Non-international armed conflict
3.3.1. Introduction Art. 2 of APII
3.3.2. Positions regarding the end of application of the law of NIACs
3.3.3. Short text
3.3.4. T/F (1 pt)
3.3.5. Excerpt of the judgement of the ICTY in the Haradinaj case Full judgement
3.3.6. T/F (1 pt)
3.4. 3.7.4 Belligerent occupation
3.4.1. The end of application of the law of occupation
3.4.2. Explanation Ahmed case 2008 Report (The Rapporteur)
3.4.3. Discussion - The duration of belligerent occupation: your opinion
3.4.4. Text Extracts from Yoram Dinstein Art. 47 GCIV
3.4.5. T/F (1 pt)
4. 3.6 Occupation
4.1. 3.6.1 Introduction
4.2. 3.6.2 The notion of occupation
4.2.1. Occupation
4.2.2. MCQ (1 pt)
4.3. 3.6.3 Research exercise
4.3.1. Discussion: Categorizing conflicts
5. 3.5 Controversial armed conflicts
5.1. 3.5.1 Introduction
5.2. 3.5.2 Transnational armed conflicts
5.2.1. Transnational armed conflicts
5.2.2. MCQ (1 pt)
5.3. 3.5.3 Urban war
5.3.1. Hostilities involving criminal organizations
5.3.2. MCQ (1 pt)
6. 3.4 Non-international armed conflicts
6.1. 3.4.1 Introduction
6.2. 3.4.2 Low-intensity non-international armed conflicts
6.2.1. Low-intensity non-international armed conflicts
6.2.2. MCQ (1 pt)
6.3. 3.4.3 high-intensity non-international armed conflicts
6.3.1. High-intensity non-international armed conflicts
6.3.2. MCQ (1 pt)
7. 3.3 International armed conflicts
7.1. 3.3.1 Introduction
7.2. 3.3.2 Traditional international armed conflicts
7.2.1. Traditional international armed conflicts
7.2.2. QCM (1 pt)
7.3. 3.3.3 Internationalized non-international armed conflicts
7.3.1. Internationalized non-international armed conflicts
7.3.2. MCQ (1 pt)
7.4. 3.3.4 Wars of national liberation
7.4.1. Wars of national liberation
7.4.2. MCQ (1 pt)
8. 3.2 Material scope of application
8.1. 3.2.1 Introduction
8.1.1. The main categories of armed conflicts
8.2. 3.2.2 Foundational questions
8.2.1. Why are the distinctions between different types of conflicts so fundamental
8.2.2. T/F (1 pt)
8.2.3. What are the reasons justifying distinctions between armed conflicts?
8.2.4. MCQ (1 pt)
9. 3.1 Introduction
9.1. 3.1.1 Introduction
9.1.1. Overview of Chapter 3
9.1.2. Explanation: broad or narrow conception
9.1.3. Excerpt of the 2016 ICRC Commentary of Art. 2 of the first Geneva Convention Full commentary
9.1.4. MCQ (1 pt)
9.1.5. T/F (1 pt)