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vocab by Mind Map: vocab

1. Primary consumer-an animal that feeds on plants; a herbivore. Secondary consumer- a carnivore that feeds only upon herbivores. Tertiary consumer-An animal that feeds only on secondary consumers. J-curve- A graph representing exponential population growth. S-curve- A graph representing exponential population growth followed by a gradual leveling off of the population size. Population growth rate- Is the change in a population over time.

2. Organism- An organism is any living system. Population-A group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a given area Community- A group of interacting organisms.

2.1. New node

3. Ecosystem-a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment. Biome-A large community of plants and animals that occupies a distinct region. Biosphere-the ecosystem comprising the entire earth and the living organisms that inhabit it.

4. Trophic levels-Any class of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain. Rain forest-A tropical forest. Temperate deciduos forest- Coniferous forest- A type of forest characterized by cone-bearing, needle-leaved trees. Desert-Any area in which few forms of life can exist because of lack of water, permanent frost, or absence of soil.

5. Biodiversity- the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species in their natural environments, which is the aim of conservationists concerned about the indiscriminate destruction of rainforests and other habitats. Hot spots-Tropical areas with large amounts of biodivercity.

6. Ecological succession-the gradual and orderly process of change in an ecosystem brought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another until a stable climax is established. Primary succession- Is the gradual growth of an ecosystem over a longer period of time.

7. Pioneer species- The first organisms to start the chain of events leading to a livible biosphere or ecosystem. Climax community-A community that occurs late in succession whose populations remain stable until disrupted by disturbance. Limiting factors-physical needs that determine the survival of a species.

8. Food chain-a community of organisms where each member is eaten in turn by another member. Food web-a community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains. Producer-An orgasism that produces its own food.

9. Carrying capacity- The number of people that can be supported by a given ecosystem. Population growth- The change in a population over time. Black plague-Bubonic plague. Industrail Revolution-A period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transportation. .

10. Secondary seccession- secondary succession is a process started by an event (forest fire, harvesting, hurricane) that reduces an already established ecosystem. Logistic growth- Growth rates regulated by internal and external factors that establish an equilibrium with environmental resources.

11. Tundra-A vast treeless zone lying between the ice cap and the timberline of North America and Eurasia. Grasslands/savannah-Satural vegetation consists largely of perennial grasses. Freshwater biome-Wetlands, streams, lakes, rivers, ponds, streams and endorheic basins. Marine biome-A climatically and geographically defined are. Abiotic factors-Living. Biotic factors- Not alive.