What to Blog About?

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What to Blog About? by Mind Map: What to Blog About?

1. School

1.1. Events

1.1.1. Trips

1.1.2. Dress-ups

1.1.3. Any others

1.2. Work

1.2.1. All of school subjects

1.2.2. Writings

1.2.3. School stuff mostly!

2. Latest Things

2.1. Events

2.2. School stuff

2.3. Technology

3. Holidays

3.1. Trips

3.1.1. With Family or Friends

3.1.2. Any school trips

3.1.3. Places I want to go to

3.2. Camps

3.2.1. Summer/Winter Camp

3.2.2. Reflections and thoughts about Camps in general

3.3. Festivals

3.3.1. From trips

3.3.2. My Celebrations

3.3.3. Special reasons for trips

4. Hobbies

4.1. What I like

4.1.1. Activites

4.1.2. Animals

4.1.3. Too many to list!

4.2. What I don't like

4.2.1. Large spiders

4.2.2. Insects

4.3. Activities I do

4.3.1. Piano

4.3.2. Sports

4.3.3. New activities I just started and what I think of them

5. Food

5.1. Resturants

5.1.1. Any good ones I like

5.1.2. Any other things

5.2. Personal Food preferences

5.2.1. Investigations

5.2.2. Food cooked by me