Story Map for the True Story of the Three Little Pigs

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Story Map for the True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Mind Map: Story Map for the True Story of the Three Little Pigs

1. Sequence

1.1. Beginning

1.1.1. The wolf explains his side of the story

1.2. Middle

1.2.1. He goes to each house to collect sugar and is sick

1.2.2. He coughs and ruins the pigs homes

1.3. End

1.3.1. Big Bad Wolf is put in jail

2. Characters

2.1. The Big Bad Wold

2.1.1. Big Bad Wolf's Grandma

2.2. 3 Little Pigs

2.2.1. Pig 1

2.2.2. Pig 2 Pig 3

2.3. Other Characters

2.3.1. Sheep

2.3.2. Pig Bunny Cops

3. Perspectives

3.1. Big Bad Wolf

3.2. 3 Little Pigs

3.3. Wolfs' Grandma

3.4. Cops

3.5. Reporters

4. Setting

4.1. Big Bad Wolfs' home

4.2. 3 Little Pigs Homes

4.2.1. Straw

4.2.2. Sticks Brick

4.3. Jailhouse