How should we communicate with users?

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How should we communicate with users? by Mind Map: How should we communicate with users?

1. Wiki

1.1. Items are published as "Articles" that are editible

1.2. Usually have good search capabilities

1.3. Options

1.4. Mash up

1.4.1. Collection of various databases

1.4.2. Easy to view

1.4.3. Options MindTouch

2. Email

2.1. Convenient reminder

2.2. No extra navigation

2.3. Difficult to manage over time (Archiving)

3. SharePoint

3.1. Functional website

3.2. Easy to setup

3.3. Not favored by users

4. Forum

4.1. Interactive discussions

4.2. Search

4.3. Options

4.3.1. Drupal

5. Website

5.1. Customizable website

5.2. Extra work/effort to code

5.3. Provides added flexibility