Create Your Own Board/Card Game

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Create Your Own Board/Card Game by Mind Map: Create Your Own Board/Card Game

1. 1. Choose a Game Style Remember that you can incorporate various elements (like dice, cards, memory tests, etc.) into your game. :)

1.1. Race

1.1.1. Basic Definition: Getting from one point to another as fast as possible Watch this video to see examples of racing board games!

1.2. Chase

1.2.1. Basic Definition: Players chase and/or get chased until one player is left Watch this video to see an example of a fun game where players are chased by a shark!

1.3. Space

1.3.1. Basic Definition: Players move the position of pieces to make connections, get points, etc. Collecting pieces is also a part of this type of board game. View this video to see an example of a game where players have to move and gather game pieces to win!

1.4. Displace

1.4.1. Basic Definition: Players try to capture and/or eliminate each other's pieces. View this video to see an example of a game where players trade, build, and steal resources to get victory points!