Considerations for Active Learning Strategies

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Considerations for Active Learning Strategies by Mind Map: Considerations for Active Learning Strategies

1. Community

1.1. forms bonds between students

1.1.1. increases learnning outside of class, too e.g. students may form study groups

2. Learning

2.1. Increases higher order thinking

3. Instructor Presence

3.1. What ideas do you have here?

4. Participation/Motivation

4.1. Will students come to class?

4.1.1. Need to motivate students who prefer/expect to take a passive role in class. Strategy: Highlight value of teamwork in the workplace. Strategy: Share research about effectiveness of active learning Strategy: Emphasize learning goals related to higher order thinking and alignment of active learning with those goals. Strategy: Start active learning on Day 1, don't let a culture of passivity become established in the first days of your class.

5. Instructor Workload

5.1. Increased

5.1.1. Generating good questions can be time consuming Strategy: (Ball) Start slow/small Strategy: Learn from your mistakes, the second time will be better than the first Strategy: Use student generated questions Strategy: Collect questions on index cards, develop a deck of questions you can reuse

5.1.2. Need to come up with a Plan B in case activities don't work out

5.2. depends on comfort level with "winging it" - and dealing with unexpected situations

5.3. instructor's role changes - more of a moderator role

5.4. What support is available?

5.4.1. GSIs or other instructors?

6. Student Workload

6.1. Will some students be free riders, remain passive in group activities?

6.1.1. Strategy: individual assessments (clickers, quizzes, return to individual assessment after group work)

7. Tech Management

7.1. Does the classroom space support the activities?

7.1.1. fixed vs. movable seating?

7.1.2. Sufficient power outlets?

7.1.3. adequate wifi for number of users, bandwidth needed?

7.1.4. Appropriate lighting?

7.1.5. Shared spaces present a challenge if instructor cannot always control the room resources/configuration.

8. Active Learning Techniques

8.1. Face-to-face Think-Pair-Share

8.1.1. Deborah Ball example

8.1.2. Eric Mazur example

8.2. Online Discussion

8.2.1. Breakout rooms in Collaborate

8.2.2. group or individual blogs option: assign teams of students to blog together

8.2.3. forums e.g., CTools forums option: assign roles to students within the forum

8.2.4. Google Docs option: combine with video chat, e.g., Google+ Hangout

9. Learning

9.1. Can activities be tailored for students?

9.1.1. Strategy: earn student background (course content and tech skills)

10. Community

11. Participation/Motivation

12. Student Workload

13. Instructor Presence

14. Instructor Workload

14.1. Establish course policies, flowcharts for key processes

14.1.1. School as a whole should have ppolicies, procedures, too

14.1.2. Communicate policies to students Be sure they know how to get support

15. Tech Management

15.1. What support is available?

15.1.1. Available instrstructure at home and at school

15.1.2. Support for studetns

15.1.3. SoN IT Team knowledge base Attendance at faculty events E.G., NDTI is helpful for SoN IT to support faculty

15.2. Strategy: Build skills and community of users within SoN