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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Summative

1.1. Planning Summative Assessment

1.1.1. End of a large chunk of learning

1.1.2. Review what you want to do

1.1.3. Criteria for high quality assessment

1.1.4. Representative sampling

1.1.5. Standardized testing, final exams, major cumulative projects, research projects

1.2. Preparing Students for Summative Tests

1.2.1. Teach test taking skills

1.2.2. Test length, questions

1.2.3. Review

1.2.4. Item type and format

1.2.5. Test Anxiety

1.3. Conducting Summative Assessments

1.3.1. When should they be scheduled?

1.3.2. When should they be created?

1.3.3. Assessment directions

1.3.4. Arrange items

1.3.5. Physical layout

2. Performance

2.1. Group Projects

2.2. Portfolios

2.3. Student Logs

2.4. Individual Projects

2.5. Journals

3. Definition: Shared purpose of gathering purposeful and systematic measurement, documentation, reflection, and improvement on student learning and practices.

4. Can be used to monitor and adjust instruction according to individual student's needs

5. Formative

5.1. Definition: Process of gathering evidence of student learning

5.2. Formative Assessment Cycle

5.2.1. 1. Gather Evidence of Learning

5.2.2. 2. Evaluate Evidence

5.2.3. 3. Feedback

5.2.4. 4. Adjust Instructions

5.3. Characteristics

5.3.1. 1. Evidence of learning

5.3.2. 2. Structure

5.3.3. 3.Participants involved feedback

5.3.4. 4. Instruction adjustments

5.3.5. 5. Teacher/Student Interaction

5.3.6. 6. Attributions for success

5.4. Types of Formative Assessment

5.4.1. In class assignments

5.4.2. Quizzes/Unit tests

5.4.3. Classroom responses Thumbs up/Thumbs down Fist to Five Exit tickets

5.4.4. Observation Small group Active monitoring

6. Interim/Benchmark

6.1. Periodic testing throughout school year

6.1.1. Six weeks period

6.1.2. End of a chapter/unit

6.2. Little to no student feedback

6.3. More formal style such as projects, written assignments, and tests

7. Diagnostic

7.1. Definition: a form of pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine students' individual strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction

7.2. Pretests

7.3. Activate schema

7.3.1. Anchor Charts

7.3.2. KWL Charts

7.3.3. Book Walk throughs

7.3.4. Vocabulary activities