Process and Threads

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Process and Threads by Mind Map: Process and Threads

1. Suspended Processes

1.1. Swapping

1.2. Characteristics of a suspend process

2. Resource Ownership

3. Scheduling/Execution

4. Unit of dispatching

4.1. Thread

4.2. Lightweight Process

5. Unit of resource ownership

5.1. Process

5.2. Task

6. Multithreading

7. Processes

7.1. Resource allocation and protection

7.2. Virtual address

7.3. Protected acess

7.3.1. Processors

7.3.2. other processors

7.3.3. files

7.3.4. I/O resources

8. Benefits of Thread

8.1. Less time to create

8.2. Less time to terminate

8.3. Less time between switching

8.4. Enhance efficiency in communication

9. Process

9.1. A instance of a running program

9.2. a program in excuation

9.3. the entity that can be assigned to , and executed on a processor

10. Process element

10.1. Program Code

10.1.1. May be shared with other processor which executing same program

10.2. A set of data associated with that code

10.2.1. define as process while the processor begins to execute program code

10.3. WHILE program is executing

10.3.1. identifier

10.3.2. priority

10.3.3. I/O status information

10.3.4. context data

10.3.5. memory pointers

10.3.6. accounting information

10.3.7. program counter

10.3.8. state

11. Process creation

11.1. Process spawing

11.2. Parent Process

11.3. Child Process

12. Process status

12.1. Trace

12.2. Dispatcher