Indigenous languages ​​in Mexico

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Indigenous languages ​​in Mexico by Mind Map: Indigenous languages ​​in Mexico

1. Origin of indigenous languages

1.1. There were between 600 thousand and 6 million indigenous people.

1.2. 100% of its inhabitants were speakers of indigenous languages

2. Cities where indigenous languages ​​are spoken

2.1. Maya

2.1.1. Yucatan Peninsula.

2.2. Náhuatl

2.2.1. Michoacán

2.3. Totonaca

2.3.1. New Spain

3. Recognized indigenous languages

3.1. Náhuatl, chol, Totonaca, Mazateco, Mixteco, Zapoteco, Otomí, Tzotzil, Tzeltal y Maya.

3.2. 75% of the population that dominates the indigenous language

4. Dead indigenous languages

4.1. Chiapaneco, kiliwa, ocuilteco, matlatzinca, ópata, zapoteco, zoque

4.2. Its speakers forget the language and learn Spanish