New Contact: Union Group, Union Local, Teacher Center, Professional Organization (e-mail presiden...

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New Contact: Union Group, Union Local, Teacher Center, Professional Organization (e-mail president, webmaster, secretary and follow up by phone call) Send gift to those willing to help. by Mind Map: New Contact: Union Group, Union Local, Teacher Center, Professional Organization (e-mail president, webmaster, secretary and follow up by phone call)  Send gift to those willing to help.

1. Sell List?

1.1. No

1.2. Yes

1.2.1. Facilitate a direct mail piece using the mailing list with appropriate program for audience and geographic area

2. Link to Site?

2.1. No

2.2. Yes

2.2.1. Facilate placement of appropriate icon for content and geographic area

3. Sponsor e-mail or newsletter sent by group?

3.1. No

3.2. Yes

3.2.1. Develop advertisement for newsletter for appropriate program - possibly use icons for website placement link

4. Attend or present at meeting?

4.1. No

4.2. Yes

4.2.1. Schedule visit and presentation for approriate program and geographic area