Transformational Strategies

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Transformational Strategies by Mind Map: Transformational Strategies

1. Debates

1.1. Performance-based assessment

1.2. Deepens critical thinking

1.3. Encourages students to talk about controversial topics calmly in a safe environment.

1.4. Requires students to become an expert on their given topic.

1.5. There are multiple debate structures to use. EduTopia lists six.

1.5.1. Four Corners

1.5.2. Devil's Advocate

1.5.3. Partner

1.5.4. Worst Case Scenario

1.5.5. Glass Half Empty or Full

1.5.6. Magic Wand

2. Pinterest Art Critiques

2.1. Performance-based assessment

2.2. Students describe work and the artist.

2.3. Describe the aesthetic effect it has on themselves.

2.4. Provide their own personal interpretation of the work and if it was successful or not at depicting what they were trying to depict.