Categories to Home Add

Categories to Home Add by Lawrence Romero Vigeowebsite - Manual

登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Categories to Home Add により Mind Map: Categories to Home Add

1. Configuration option

1.1. Login to Dashboard

1.2. Expand Push

1.3. You can see the Configuration option

2. Update Configuration

2.1. Select Update to save the Configuration

2.2. Dashboard verify your configuration

2.3. If all OK then configuration saved

3. Locate Configuration

3.1. Click Configuration to display the screen

3.2. Locate the Configuration and click Edit

3.3. You will see the Edit Configuration screen

4. Categories Settings

4.1. Click on the box next to Left Category

4.2. Click on the box next to Center Category

4.3. Click on the box next to Right Category

4.4. Click on the box next to Left Submenu

4.5. Click on the box next to Center Submenu

4.6. Click on the box next to Right Submenu