How EEC is organised?
by Pablo A. Zurro
1. EEC Coordinator
1.1. Coordinating the work of the committee
1.2. Contact between EEC and other teams in BEST regarding Vivaldi matters
1.3. Continuity of EEC
1.4. Funding, global development of Vivaldi concept, global research and development of complementary education matters
1.5. Preparation of EEC meetings
2. Secretary
2.1. LBG communication: gather vivaldi responsible
2.2. Got it emails, answer external e-mails
2.3. Administrator of mailing lists
2.4. Check lists for discussions - we have outcomes and finished discussions
2.5. EEC history of emails & answers (FAQ and Non-FAQ :-))
2.6. Uploading documents into the archives
2.7. Taking care/improving the archives
3. Competition Coordinator
3.1. Coordination of the support EEC is providing to the LBGs organising BEC
3.2. Development and maintenance of Task Database
3.3. Coordination of the involvement of EEC in LECs