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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Formative Assessments: -Process of gathering evidence of student learning. -Teachers provide feedback to students. -Teachers adjust their instruction to help students.

2. Summative Assessments: -Process of gathering evidence of student understanding at the end of the learning cycle. -They are not used to adjust feedback, but instead are to see how much and how well the students have learned.

3. How to deliver assessments: Paper & Pencil, Online, Computer.

4. Assessment Question Styles: Mutliple Choice, True/False, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, Essay questions, etc.

5. Definition: process of gathering purposeful and systematic measurement for the overall improvement and growth of students.

6. Purpose: they are to help students learn, help teachers adjust their methods of instruction and help administrators decide where to allocate money towards.

7. Assessment vs. Evaluation: Assessments help teachers understand the effectiveness of their instruction. Evaluation grades students on their abilities.