The Sniper

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The Sniper by Mind Map: The Sniper

1. Theme

1.1. Hate war and Sometimes things are not as they appear",since the sniper had not known that his enemy had been his own brother

2. Plot

2.1. Exposition

2.1.1. Republicans and Free Stater were waging civil war

2.2. Rising action

2.2.1. Sniper especially want to smoke and eat something, just smoke a cigarette, a bullet flew from his side

2.3. Climax

2.3.1. When the sniper is about to kill enemy. "He took a steady aim"and "his hand trembled with eagerness" are evidence of climax because it is his last chance to kill his enemy

2.4. Falling action

2.4.1. The sniper climbing down from the root and shot the enemy with a pistol

2.5. Resolution

2.5.1. He slowly opened the body the result found another sniper is his brother

3. Character

3.1. Republican sniper

3.1.1. smart

3.2. Enemy sniper

3.3. Armored man

3.4. Turret Gunner

3.5. Old womean

3.6. Unseen Machine Gunner

4. Stting

4.1. Time:The long June twilight faded into night

4.2. place: Dublin

5. Keywords

5.1. opposit

5.2. whizzed

5.3. sniper

6. Literary Devices

6.1. Simile

6.1.1. Here and there through the city, machine guns and rifles broke the silence of the night, spasmodically, like dogs barking on lone farms Because it used the word"like"in the sentence

6.2. Hyperbole

6.2.1. The sniper thought the noise would wake the dead This would mean that the noise created by the gun was loud.It didn't mean the sound would wake up the dead. It uses hyperbole to point out how loud the sniper was.

6.3. Symbolism

6.3.1. "His bullets would never pierce the steel that covered the gray monster" 'Gray Monster' in the sentence is used to represent the opponent of the Republican Sniper. It gives meaning of what the sniper thinks of his enemy.

6.4. Repetition

6.4.1. "His teeth chattered, he began to gibber to hisself, cursing the war, cursing himself, and cursing everybody." The word 'cursing' was repeated 3 times. Making the idea of the sentence clear, on how he blams the situation to the war, himself and everybody

6.5. Irony

6.5.1. "The sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother's face" Expecting that his opponent was just another stranger but twist of events happened that most readers never expected to happen. It is ironic on how his enemy turned out to be his brother

6.6. Imagery

6.6.1. "The blood was oozing through his sleeve of his coat." The 'oozing' in this sentence gives a visual representation on how much blood was dripping from his coat. It appeals to our sense of sight.