by Erika Gomez
1. ¿What are brands?
1.1. promise that consumers
1.2. building trust
1.3. living up to its promise
1.4. reinforcing your brand promise
2. Brands make selling easier
2.1. big business
2.2. selling easier in person and online
3. Brand trump commodities
3.1. brand are products
3.1.1. commodities are products
4. Brands build equity
4.1. consumers are willing to pay
4.2. consumers stay loyal to brands
4.3. retailers provide brands greaters
4.4. Brands owners
4.4.1. don't need to launch new offerings
4.4.2. find it easier to attract
4.4.3. run more different operations
4.4.4. benefit from increased market share
5. ¿What's involved?
5.1. steps involved to build a brand
5.1.1. product
5.1.2. position
5.1.3. promise
5.1.4. presentation
5.1.5. persistence
5.1.6. perception
6. ¿Who's involved?
6.1. organization leaders
6.2. marketng and brand management team
6.3. an organization-wide team of brand champions
7. ¿What brands do?
7.1. create consumer
7.2. emotional attachments
7.3. foster relationships
7.3.1. costumers and products
7.4. strong bonds with costumers
8. Why brands are a big deal
8.1. brands unlock profitability
8.2. brands prompt consumer selection
8.3. brands build name awareness
8.4. brands increase the odds of business survival
9. Seeing the big branding picture
9.1. brand is an image
9.1.1. into constumers minds