Podcasting Unit - Gr 5

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Podcasting Unit - Gr 5 by Mind Map: Podcasting Unit - Gr 5

1. Develop Script

1.1. Who is the Target Audience?

1.2. Will this be an interview?

1.3. Provide the 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why) if possible

2. Practice pacing

3. Perform for peers

4. How will you assess your final product?

5. Brainstorm ideas

6. Record into Audacity

6.1. Convert to mp3 file

6.2. Upload to website

7. Example topics

7.1. How to survive Gr 5

7.2. Guide to local basketball teams

7.3. Fashion tips for Gr 5

7.4. Reviews of the best software on the Internet