Ramadan & Fasting

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Ramadan & Fasting by Mind Map: Ramadan & Fasting

1. art

1.1. Islamic patterns

1.2. Eid cards

1.3. make a prayer mat

2. Home Economics

2.1. healthy eating

2.2. cooking foods for iftar and suhoor

2.3. planning meals

2.4. Freezing and storing

2.5. Recycling

3. Quran

3.1. Surah Al Qadr

3.2. Surah baqara 184-185

3.3. Surah baqara 187

3.4. Surah Kaufar

4. Science

4.1. Sun Moon Rotation

4.2. Night &Day Sunset and Sunrise

4.3. Digestion

5. geography

5.1. Iftar around the world

5.2. Rich and poor societies

5.3. Reasons for fasting

6. Maths

6.1. Weights and measures

6.2. Time

6.3. Islamic Pattern

7. English Language

7.1. Stories of Ramadan

7.2. Stories of 3 countries

7.3. Ramadan diaries


8.1. Purification of the body

8.2. reflection time

8.3. intention

8.4. rules of fasting