Needs and Wants: A Kindergarten Perspective

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Needs and Wants: A Kindergarten Perspective by Mind Map: Needs and Wants:  A Kindergarten Perspective

1. Needs

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. A need is something you must have to survive

1.2. Examples of Needs

1.2.1. air to breathe

1.2.2. water for our bodies to function

1.2.3. food for energy

1.2.4. shelter to protect us from the weather

1.2.5. clothing to protect our skin

2. Wants

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. A want is something you may like to have, but it's not necessary to survive.

2.2. Examples of Wants

2.2.1. toys provide entertainment

2.2.2. electronics convenience, entertainment

2.2.3. games entertainment

2.2.4. fashion accessories for fun and fashion

3. Can something be a need and a want?

3.1. We need food to eat, but don't NEED to eat McDonald's or ice cream.

3.2. We need shelter to protect us, but we do not NEED a fancy mansion.

3.3. We need clothing to protect our skin, but we do not NEED name brand clothing.