Assessment and Interpretation of Accounts

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Assessment and Interpretation of Accounts by Mind Map: Assessment and Interpretation of Accounts

1. Return on capital employed

1.1. Net profit / capital employed

2. Return on shareholders' funds

2.1. Net profit / shareholders' funds

2.2. Shareholders funds = issued share capital + profits (closing p&l reserve)

3. Dividend percentage

3.1. Dividends paid / issued share capital

4. Rate of stock turnover

4.1. Cost of sales / average stock

5. Solvency

5.1. When total assets >= outside liabilities

5.2. Solvent/insolvent

6. Overtrading

6.1. When the daily cash within the company isn't sufficient to finance the quantity of goods the firm's buying or selling.

7. Gross profit margin

7.1. Gross profit / sales * 100

8. Net profit margin

8.1. (Net profit / sales) * 100/1

9. Current ratio

9.1. Current assets : current liabilities

10. Acid test ratio

10.1. (Current assets - closing stock) : current liabilities

11. Report

11.1. Sender's address then date

11.2. Receiver's address

11.3. Introductory paragraph

11.3.1. "Following your instructions..."

11.3.2. Below are my calculations

11.4. Calculations with notes

11.4.1. I.e. " This is a healthy trend"

11.4.2. "Went up by 40%"

11.4.3. "While still good...unhealthy trend"

11.5. Overall comment

11.6. "Yours faithfully"

12. Average stock

12.1. (Opening stock + closing stock) / 2

13. Gross profit markup

13.1. Gross profit / goods sold cost * 100