Gradebook 2.x issues braindump

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Gradebook 2.x issues braindump by Mind Map: Gradebook 2.x issues braindump

1. Grades over 100% and negative grades

2. Outcomes outside of course level

3. Get rid of raw grades modificators

3.1. multiplier and offset was just a temporary hack for 1.9

4. Grader report

4.1. too many inpout fields in edit mode

4.2. needs AJAX ala AMOS

5. Integration with mod_edit

6. Overall performance

6.1. especially with conditional activities and course completion

7. A very first rating in the course leads to 100%

7.1. currently handled by hidden-until

7.2. unable to do conditional activities correctly

8. Hidden grades

8.1. students and teacher see different aggregated values

9. Rubrics and grading tools

10. Meta information about the source of the value

10.1. what module, when, etc

11. Export, import via web services

12. Grade history

12.1. including information for suspended and were-enroled students

13. Lock-after and hidden-until refactor

13.1. event based system would be better

14. Additional aggregation functions