Technology Standards for Education

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Technology Standards for Education por Mind Map: Technology Standards for Education

1. Learning And Technology Policy Framework

1.1. Research and Innovation Educators keep up-to-date with current educational technology research, share their ideas and contribute to such research in order to advance the field and innovate.

1.2. Student-Centred Learning Technology is used to enhace student-centre learning, making the curriculum more personal and more authentic to them.

1.3. Professional Learning Educators need to develop and continue learn about new educational technologies in order to effectively support teaching in a modern classroom.

2. ICT Program of Studies

2.1. Communicating, Inquiring, Decision Making and Problem Solving C2 Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.

2.2. Foundational Operations, Knowledge and Concepts F3 Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.

2.3. Processes for Productivity P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with others.

3. both students and teachers seek to innovate and use technologies to solve problems

4. teachers continue to learn about new technologies, keeping up to date with research and using the tech, thereby improving it

5. teachers need to continuously keep up to date with current educational technologies

6. to be an ethical digital citizen means to use technology in a moral manner

7. students become productive by using technology, which includes seeing alternative viewpoints

8. ISTE Standards for Students 2016

8.1. Computational Thinker Students use technologies to understand and solve problems, through developing and testing solutions.

8.2. Digital Citizen Students know their rights and responsibilities in the digital world, and act in a safe and ethical manner.

8.3. Creative Communicator Students can use digital tools to express themselves creatively and be able to communicate effectively.

9. ISTE Standards for Teachers 2008

9.1. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Teachers understand the global issues in a digitial culture, and should demonstrate good global citizenship and model good behaviour to their students.

9.2. Model Digital Age Work and Learning Teachers should be fluent in contemporary technologies, using them in the classroom and be able to communicate with students, parents and peers via these technologies.

9.3. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers should be able to use their subject, pedagogical and technological knowledge to facilitate learning in students.

10. students learn how to be ethical digital citizens by modelling behaviour demonstated by teachers

11. teachers inspire students to be creative and communicative using digital tools

12. students use tech to solve problems

13. teachers model good behaviour and show how students to act in an ethical and moral manner