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Self Portrait by Mind Map: Self Portrait

1. Personality Spectrum

1.1. Higher

1.1.1. Adventurer

1.1.2. Thinker

1.2. Lower

1.2.1. Organizer

1.2.2. Giver

2. How I Study Best

2.1. At Night

2.2. With a Study Group

2.3. With Slideshows

2.4. Very good notes

3. Interests

3.1. Football

3.2. Space

3.3. Rockets

3.4. Exploring

4. Intelligences

4.1. Higer

4.1.1. Bodily-Kinesthetiic

4.1.2. Logical-Mathematical

4.1.3. Intrepersonal

4.1.4. Visual-Spatial

4.2. Lower

4.2.1. Naturaulistic

4.2.2. Verbal-Linguistic

4.2.3. Musical

4.2.4. Intrapersonal

5. Teaching Styles I Like

5.1. Group Work

5.2. Hands-on

5.3. Videos