Defending north america

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Defending north america by Mind Map: Defending north america

1. Canada's acceptance of nuclear weapons in 1963

1.1. for

1.1.1. created some sense of security knowing that there was some type of defense against the soviet union

1.1.2. this was a much cheaper form of security compared to the avro arrow

1.1.3. it established a united front with the states

1.2. against

1.2.1. many people feared this would help contribute to global suicide

1.2.2. people felt that giving up on the Avro arrow Canada was destroying it innovation for the sake of convenience

1.2.3. it would be hypocritical to urge the united nations to work for disarmament while accepting nuclear weapons

2. Canada's role in the Cuban missile crisis

2.1. for

2.1.1. Canada should always fight communist to ensure that are nation stay free democratic state

2.1.2. if Canada didn't help the us it would have greatly hurt the relationship between the both country's

2.1.3. a nuclear war between Cuba and the states would have led to war with Russia which would have hurt Canada because Canada is in the middle of both country's

2.2. against

2.2.1. Cuba was only trying to arm itself from the dominating power of the united government and the foreign powers

2.2.2. Canada shouldn't have gotten involved with conflict that mainly was in the us

3. The scrapping of the Avro arrow

3.1. For

3.1.1. it saved Canada millions of dollars

3.1.2. they would have needed special pilots to fly the planes which they never had

3.1.3. if any of the planes crashed it would have cost more money to build then it would have saved in the long run

3.2. Against

3.2.1. It was costing the government to much money to make one plane,

3.2.2. after canceling most of the engineers and scientists moved to the us

3.2.3. it would have helped lots to contribute to winning wars

3.2.4. it could have dominated the cold war