Life Expectancy in East Timor
by Emma B

1. Lack of food
1.1. Climate
1.1.1. Bad weather will destroy the crops
1.2. Low income
1.3. Too many kids to feed
1.3.1. Have a lot of kids so that they can work and look after them (their parents) when they are older
2. Illness
2.1. Unhygenic food preparation areas
2.2. Unsafe drinking water
2.3. Unclean living conditions
2.4. Lack of basic sanitation
2.4.1. Lack of plumbing Low GDP
3. Lack of medication
3.1. Can't afford to buy medicine
3.2. One or no local chemists in isolated areas
3.2.1. Low GDP
4. Incurable diseases
4.1. Lack of education of the diseases
4.2. Not enough medical help
4.2.1. Not enough qualified doctors Kids too busy farming to go to school Minimal numbers of available schools and universities
4.2.2. Can't afford important medical equipment Low GDP
4.2.3. Can't afford machinery for scans and x-rays Low GDP