September 11, 2001

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September 11, 2001 por Mind Map: September 11, 2001

1. Definition

1.1. Al Qaeda launched major attacks on the U.S

1.2. Terrorists crashed into the north and south tower of the world trade center

2. Terrorism

2.1. September 11 attacks

2.1.1. Terrorists crashed into the north and south tower of the world trade center

2.2. Oklahoma City bombing

2.2.1. April 19, 1995 domestic terrorism killed 168 people

2.3. Choice of violence to make a political point

3. Effects

3.1. President George W. Bush

3.1.1. September 20, 2001 he called for all governments to turn over al-qaeda militants and terrorists Iraq war U.S launched air strikes and led a coalition into war. Ended with U.S withdrawing troops Department of homeland security USA patriot act Gave federal government more powers to find international terrorists Reorganized the executive branch by putting 22 agencies under this branch Law environment could now use electronic surveillance without a warrant with reason War on terror Designed to locate known terrorists, Intercept terrorist plots, and eliminate terrorist threats Weapons of mass destruction North Korea , Iraq, and Iran declared To be part of "the axis of evil" because they have weapons with the potential to kill many people

4. Causes

4.1. Al-Qaeda

4.1.1. A militant Islamic organization led by Osama Bin Laden located in Iraq responsible for 9/11 attacks