ENGL 307 Course Goals

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ENGL 307 Course Goals by Mind Map: ENGL 307 Course Goals

1. Collect, analyze, and apply primary data and secondary sources.

1.1. My Goal: Become proficient in using various technological resources for data collection.

2. Collaborate with peers throughout the writing process.

2.1. My Goal: Use multiple online settings to collaborate with my peers in group writing projects.

3. Recognize the ethical responsibilities required in professional fields.

3.1. My Goal: Respect and respond to these ethical responsibilities.

4. Reflect on self-development as a writer

4.1. My Goal: Build upon my current writing skills and become a more experienced writer.

5. Analyze rhetorical strategies within existing business writings.

5.1. My Goal: Reproduce these rhetorical strategies in my own business writings for a variety of audiences.

6. Understand the strategies and processes involved in writing.

6.1. My Goal: Utilize the appropriate processes in my writings.

7. Understand different genre conventions.

7.1. My Goal: Recognize when to apply the appropriate genre conventions.