Endocrine System

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Endocrine System by Mind Map: Endocrine System

1. Thyroid

1.1. Thyroxine - helps growth and development, also increases metabolic rate

1.2. Calcitonin - release calcium to bones

2. Adrenal Gland

2.1. Adrenal Medulla

2.1.1. increase sugar and fatty acids in blood

2.1.2. Glucocorticoids - increase bloodsugar

2.2. Adrenal Cortex

2.2.1. Produces testostorone

2.2.2. Aldosterone - increase reabsorption of salt in kidney

3. Pituitary Gland

3.1. Growth hormone - stimulates growth, protein synthesis, and fat metabolism

3.2. Adrenocorticotropic hormone - Releases Hormones

4. Heart

4.1. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) - increases water and salt excretion in kidneys

5. Kidney

5.1. Renin- Regulates Blood Pressure

5.2. Erythropoietin - stimulates red blood cells synthesis

6. Testes

6.1. Produces testosterone in male reproductive organ

7. Pancreas

7.1. Insulin -decreases blood glucose levels

7.1.1. Diabetes Type 2 - chronic disease affecting glucose levels

7.2. Glucagon - increases blood glucose levels

8. Ovaries

8.1. Estrogen - Created for maturation of eggs

8.2. Progesterone - Forms placenta