Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education by Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. History of U.S. Education

1.1. Education Reform

1.1.1. Interpretation

1.1.2. 1. Progressive Impetus -- As a higher demand for skilled workers rose in what is now know as the second industrial revolution, Urbanization and progressive reforme was present to educate and prepare children for a working class. The students that showed the most process were taught to take leadership roles within the same system.

1.2. Post WW2

1.2.1. 2. In Post WW2 America the progressive movement halted with the demands for skilled workers suddenly was flooded with prospects, it is at this point that education again began a trek in the traditional manner. This caused the development of a comprehensive education, which put focus on the process and goals of education

2. Philosophy of Education

2.1. Pragmatism

2.1.1. In this school of through, students are prepared with the tools they need to present a favorable outcome that is desired. Genetic notations - Dewey seen the school as and 'Embryonic community" in which atuendos could learn traditional information and the skills experimentaly and coopoperatibly. This would allow the person to develop and enable them to work in a democratic society.

2.2. Existentialism

3. Politics of Education

3.1. Purposes of Education

3.1.1. 1. Intelectual. Is teaching cognitive skill and inhibiting higher thinking to help facilitate Analysis, evaluation and synthesis.

3.1.2. 2.Political - is to prepare students off many cultural and ethnic backgrounds to assimilate to a "common social class" and to educate the citizens to become active participants in society (Patriots)

3.1.3. 3.Social - To inhibit social skill and interactions with other children, allowing them the freedom to explore these interactions so that a social norm can be reachered, this process is called socialization.

3.1.4. 4. Economic - To prepare students for their future occupational roles in the work force. It is in this area that students are indirectly separated to the function in which best suits them and their strengths.

3.2. Political Prespective

3.2.1. Liberal

3.2.2. Conservitave

3.2.3. Radical

3.2.4. Neo-Liberal

3.3. School role

3.3.1. 1. The role of the school in today society, is much different then the one of the past. It has always been to educate, but the purpose for education is different. The role of the school is to Develop citizenship, promote personal growth and improvement, and occupational preparation. These all seem to be politically as they are being prepared for a working America.

4. Schools as Organizations

4.1. Major Stake Holders

4.1.1. House of Representative Robert Aderholt

4.1.2. State Board Jeffery Newman

4.1.3. Superintendant Ryan Hollingsworth

4.1.4. School Board Joyce Fowler Hamilton, AL District 2 Belinda McRae Hamilton, AL District 3

4.2. School Processes and School Cultures

4.2.1. The school is a unity of Interacting Personalities. the personalities of all who meet in the school are bound together in an organic relation. the life of the whole is in all it pars, yet the whole could not exist without any of its Parts. The school is a social Organism." (Willard Walter,1965)

4.2.2. Becuse sschools are so deeply political, change within them is difficult.

4.2.3. Conflict is a necessary part of change.

4.2.4. The process and content is as important and as the content information changes so should instruction.

5. Sociological Perspectives

5.1. Theoretical Prespective

5.1.1. Functionalism - focuses on the ways that education serves the needs of society. In this prespective people are socializing children's to enter mainstream society.

5.1.2. Conflict theory - Conflict theory sole purpose is to educate to maintain social inequality and preserve power to those who are dominate within the society.

5.1.3. Interactionalism - focuses on the analysis of education and to directly observe what is happening n the classroom. This focus is mainly on how the teachers expectations influence student performance.

5.2. Education and inequality

5.3. Effects of schooling

5.3.1. Employment - the preparedness of the persons to enter the workforce at an entry-level and excel. This ensures that there are a group that can perform at higher levels to produce "White-Collar" Managers and administrators.

5.3.2. Education mobility- The separations of working and social classes stay in place thought life. A regular worker has the opportunities to "Attain Education" in order to advance themselves but often will chose not to as they are satisfied with their current status. At this point mobility is non existent, in this person.

5.3.3. Knowledge and attitudes - as education progresses people who chose the path of education are more often that not, those who express their need for knowledge as they are intrigued to know all current events. It is what we teach within the schools that determines the type of student is produced.

5.3.4. Peer groups and alienation - This is a more social topic, as it centers around the way children label others. students of same interest and socio-económicas backgrounds tend to group together to enforce their dominance in the crowd. This is apparent with the separation of " Jocks and Nerds" . More often then not the jocks within a school are preferred over all, and nerds are looked down on and alienated. Of course there are many school classes in between but don't usually mix.

5.3.5. Teacher behavior - The way teachers act, think, expect, and reward or reprimand; has a resounding impact on the education of the student. For example, in a classroom where students are allowed the freedom roam, students are lest focused then in a classroom where the teacher sets up strict code of conduct and holds the children liable for their actions. So the impact of the teacher is a major part of the effects of education.

6. Equality of Oppertunity

6.1. Diversity

6.1.1. Within the classroom we will notice a rich diversity of students. As each student is diferent not only in knowledge and capacity but also in physical appearance, customs, belifs and gender. Some people choose to ignore the differences but it is essential to udnerstand them, thier differences, streanghs and areas of improvment in order to diferintiate the curriculum inorder to accomidate for each and every student.

6.2. Colmen Study

6.2.1. The study showed that the private school sector performs better that those of the public sector. in the study it was actually a catholic preparatory school that was looked and ant the Phrase "do it better"was used to describe those in private school.

6.2.2. The other argument was that private schools scored better in organization but had similar performance in student testing.

7. Educational Reform

7.1. School based Reorms

7.1.1. Teacher Education Program - In this area of reform they put emphasis on preparing the teacher to handle a more diverse group of students in order to allow the teacher to learn new and updated strategies to manage their classroom. This prepares the teachers to be great teachers and role models.

7.1.2. School to work - This approach prepares students to work and be classified into different groups depending on learning and performance. To notice those who take active leadership rolls and allow them more sorceress then those who only slide by and do the minimum to get by. Their performance carries on into their working lives, as those who are active learners often end up in management rolls and those who slid by do just that.

7.2. Reforms

7.2.1. Economic Reform - this puts emphisis on the school system to prepare the students for their assimulation into the working class society.

8. Eductional Inequality

8.1. Cultural Deprivation theory

8.1.1. In this theory there is emphisis that education starts within the home and the family unit. The knowledge that is leaerned at home carries over into the schooling. Critics argue that this puts the childs progression or failure on the family and their dedication to education.

8.1.2. In this theory the culture in which the student comes from also is a heavy determinate on the performance of the student. This is made evident at cultures that think highly of education often produce students that are eager to learn.

8.2. Student centered Explanations

8.2.1. School Funding - The funding for schools can be different from school to school. In the past the demographic of an area has a high impact the funding that is allowed and given to the school .

8.2.2. Effective school Research - Is more concerned with the performance of the students to determine the funding and facilities that are allotted for the school.

8.2.3. Gender - In the past, gender specific schools were also funded differently, as there is with local demographic, often female dominated schools were unequal to their male counterparts.

9. Curriculum. Pedagogy and the Transmission of Knowledge

9.1. Curriculum Theory

9.1.1. Social Efficiency- is the preparation of students to promote a specific function within society. For Example giving students the basic skills they need to survive and thrive in today's society ensuring that society has a working class to produce goods and services. This allows those who want to peruse higher paying jobs seek out the knowledge that they need to perform the specific task of that profession.

9.2. Traditions of Teaching

9.2.1. The Mimetic Tradition - Is often called the Transformative. This is the model that most people think of as Traditional schooling. In this you take the knowledge that they already know and work to add to that knowledge. so in a sense building on the knowledge that they know and adding new information.

9.2.2. Transformative Tradition - Describes the tradition that descriptive successful teaching to be capable of transforming one or the other within the student. In this tradition, most would consider progressive as it puts emphasis on updating what is tradition and gives the teacher a little more freedom with the curriculum as it is presented.