Audiolingualism *USA(1950-1960- AUA Audiolingual Approach

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Audiolingualism *USA(1950-1960- AUA Audiolingual Approach by Mind Map: Audiolingualism *USA(1950-1960- AUA Audiolingual Approach

1. This is the American Approach to ESL

2. Before this a "method" was developed in the Army for training militars in gaining fluency in foreing language. This "method" did not have an underlying theory, but made evident the value of intensive, oral-based approach

3. University of Michigan 1939 developed the first English language Institute. Fries (author)

3.1. From this the following methods were developed: ( These methods advocates aural training first, the pronuntiation training, followed by speaking, reading and writing

3.1.1. The oral approach

3.1.2. The Aural-Oral approach

3.1.3. The Strcutural Approach

4. Michigan and Yale universities develop methods that were based on linguistics principles but with no pedagogy. When psicology learning theory was appled, the audiolingualisn methos was developed

5. It included behaviorist psycology

6. Characteristics

6.1. 3 perspectives

6.1.1. Approach Theory of Language- Structural Linguistic Theory of Learning - Behaviourism Stimulus Response Reinforment The syllabus Linguistics Syllabus Lexical Syllabus (Vocabulary)

6.2. Use of drills and repetition based-exercises

6.2.1. Frequent repetition is essencial to effective learning

6.3. Dialogues and drills are the basics of classroom practices

6.4. Teacher-dominated method

6.5. Never Translate

6.6. New language should be dealt with in the sequences : Hear, Speak, Read Write