Dermatological Signs and Symptoms

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Dermatological Signs and Symptoms by Mind Map: Dermatological Signs and Symptoms

1. Erythema

1.1. Infection

1.2. Sun Burn/ Exposure

1.3. Vigorous Message

1.4. Blistering Agents

1.5. Skin Cosmetic Work

1.6. Niacin Administration

1.7. Mercury Toxicity

1.8. Radiation therapy and ionizing exposure

2. Xeroderma

2.1. Medications

2.2. Low humidity

2.3. Excess Hand Washing or Bathing

2.4. Vitamin Deficiency

2.5. Sun Burn/ Exposure

3. Nevus

3.1. Birthmark

3.2. Sun Exposure

3.3. Melanoma

4. Desquamation

4.1. X-Linked ichthyosis

4.2. Toxic Shock

4.3. Sun Burn

4.4. Mercury Poisoning

5. Pruritus

5.1. Systemic Disease

5.2. Allergic Reaction

5.3. Hyperthyroidism

5.4. Allergies

5.5. Skin Conditions

5.6. Asthma

5.7. Infection

6. Edema

6.1. Heredity

6.2. Physical Inactivity

6.3. Surgery

6.4. Static Positioning

6.5. Heat

6.6. Burns

6.7. Pregnancy

6.8. Medications

6.9. Excessive Salt Intake

6.10. Malnutrition

6.11. Chronic lung disease

6.12. Heart Failure

6.13. Liver Disease

6.14. Diabetes

6.15. Blood Clot

7. changes in skin pigment, turgor, texture

7.1. Decreased fluid intake

7.2. Diarrhea

7.3. Dehydration

7.4. Heat Stroke

7.5. Scleroderma

7.6. Hyperpigmentation

7.7. Hypopigmentation

8. Urticaria

8.1. Alergic Reaction

8.2. Contact urticaria

8.3. Insect bites

8.4. NSAID, Antibiotics, Opiods

9. Itching

9.1. Neurogenic

9.2. Psychogenic

9.3. Neuropathic

9.4. Pruitoceptive

10. Blister

10.1. Friction/Rubbing

10.2. Chemical

10.3. Extreme Temperature

10.4. Crushing/Pinching

10.5. Medical Condition

10.5.1. Cold Sores

10.5.2. Chickenpox

10.5.3. scabies

11. Nodules, spots, moles, cysts

11.1. Keloids

11.2. Abscess

11.3. Contusions

11.4. Ganglion Cyst

11.5. Tumors

11.6. Infections

11.7. Chronic inflammatory Condition

11.8. Genetic Conditions

12. Rash

12.1. Allergic Reactions

12.2. Side Effects of Medications

12.3. Infections

12.4. Utricaria

12.5. Skin Disorders

12.6. Sun Burns or Sun Exposure

12.7. Irritations

12.8. Poor Hygine

13. Changes in appearance of nails

13.1. Injury

13.2. infection

13.3. Lung disorders

13.4. Kidney Disease

13.5. Liver Disease

13.6. Thyroid Disorders

13.7. Malnutrition

13.8. Vitamin Deficiencies

13.9. Arsenic or silver poisoning