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1. Process vs. Product

1.1. What do we plan our units around?

2. Peer Assessment

3. Self-Assessment

3.1. Reflection

4. Data Collection

4.1. Who is it for?

4.2. Helpful for differentiation

5. READING: DRA and Fountas and Pinnel

6. SCIENCE: Design Cycle, TASK Parties

7. One-on-one (conferring), Small group, Class Discussions, Ongoing, Independent

8. Feedback Loop

9. Formative

9.1. Anecdotal

9.2. Ongoing feedback

10. Summative

10.1. MAP Testing

10.2. End-of-year Assessments

10.3. Moving-Up Folder

11. e-Portfolios

11.1. iBooks, Explain Everything & Easy Blog Jr.

12. Communication with parents

12.1. No Surprises

13. MATH: Computational Fluency and End-of-Unit Assessments

14. Written, Oral, Dramatic, Musical

15. Informing Instruction