Computer Viruses.

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Computer Viruses. by Mind Map: Computer Viruses.

1. What are they

1.1. They are much like regular viruses except they are pieces of software that have the ability of replicating themselves going from host to host

2. what are some early viruses

2.1. The first computer virus was called the creeper.

2.1.1. It was a program that infected the APRANet and self-replicated. What it did was display Catch Me If You Can.

2.2. Another one of the early viruses called Brain infected early apple computers and booted up the disc operating system, infecting computers through floppy discs.

3. Viruses today

3.1. One modern virus called ILOVEYOU infected computers via email, then sending it to all of their contacts, then making the computer unbootable.

4. Solutions

4.1. One thing you can do is run up-todate antivirus programs. antivirus is software that blocks spam and suspicious content and block it.

4.1.1. A second thing you could do is make sure your fire wall is on. If not select the obvious option. A third thing you could do is turn off adobe flash player because they can contain malicious software when you click on them