Arken - Creating Social Benefit

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Arken - Creating Social Benefit por Mind Map: Arken - Creating Social Benefit

1. "Then we work on certain issues, not only me but my department, we work with Marie-Louise in communications and the other communications-team."

2. Social Engagement

2.1. Educational Activities

2.1.1. Scope & Target of Activities "Education is like a broad concept because it’s all concerning schools, but it is also concerning kindergartens, institutions but it is also adults, we also have an art school, and it is also our oral communication and teaching in the museum. So, it is all ages, it is not only kids so in that way it can be a bit mis… But our main target is schools in the department!

2.1.2. School Projects Programs "And based on this program [Kickstarter] [...] we have been applying this approach to a larger project which we are doing currently: A three-year project called "Laboratory of creative learning". Considersations Attitudes towards Art/Exhibitions Other Procedures "There are a lot of interesting reflections after these processes, where the classes have been at the school for some days and they have been at the museum for some days . When they been at the school, the museum teachers have been to the school, too. So, they have really been working for not only one day, but for five or six days with the museum." Assessment Evaluation Parameters Achievements Funding "And then they applied for some money and got almost four million from APMüller and Maersk."

2.1.3. Social Benefit Preliminary Goals Dissolving Prejudices Introduction / Familiarity / Inclusion Intermediary Goals Democratic Space Long-term Goals Democratic Capabilities Spillovers "[....]and in the end, they invite all the parents out to the museum and that is another thing that is really great in this project, that suddenly you have all the parents also visiting the museum. I would guess that maybe 80% of the parents have never been to the art museum before. So, you are really making a change in making the art come closer to everyone. Now that the children are hosting, it seems very natural to visit the museum.a way that it is sustainable."

2.2. Communication Activities

2.2.1. Club Arken "...but the fun part about this is, that the members almost know each other, so when we have an social event, when we have an opening, a vernissage or something specially creative for the members, they tend to look upon it as an social event where you can come and meet people who are a bit like yourself."

2.2.2. Others "We do sometimes do some pop-ups in Ishøj Bycenter (City Mall), often related to a special exhibition or something that the educational department has made."

2.3. Future Plans

2.3.1. "They [the homeless] would gain something from a visit. It would be nice if you could just reach out and drag in all the homeless from Copenhagen or the ones using varmestuer (shelters) and so on. And just give them a super good experience."

3. Art

3.1. Character of Art

3.1.1. Approachability "But this one (Gosh) really, maybe because it is rather easy to grasp. You do not need to be an art historian student to find, that it is super fascinating."

3.1.2. Democratic Features "It [art] changes the way we talk, and what we talk about. That we reflect. And especially, that art is not about art, but art is about how we are as humans. You can say that like people, when they go to church, they reflect on something there and now you could see the museums or art institutions as another room where can go and reflect and be humans together, not as a religious thought but just as another offer for gathering, reflection and creating democracy "

3.2. Exihibition

3.2.1. Choice Considerations "But of course, this is just something that informs [emphasis] our choice like other parameters that inform our choice of exhibitions: It can be finance, it can be possible international loans, or a sudden possibility. But the prime thing is always the art. [....] The art is the point of departure, but then the choice of exhibition is always informed by several things."

3.2.2. Communication "What we tend to do when communicating with very artist orientated, when we are communicating with the local press, we are just trying to make it a bit lighter and more easily understandable and maybe using a few examples which really stresses what the exhibition is about."

3.2.3. Effects on Rest of Arken "] And sometimes when it makes sense, we integrate the café as well and make a Hundertwasser plate or Gerda Wegner cocktail or whatever."

4. Organisation

4.1. Mission

4.1.1. Approach Learning Through Art "Our vision here is that they have to learn through art. We are not so much focusing on learning about art, but learning through art."

4.1.2. Content "I think it would be to... that we realize our vision for the museum and the mission which is to make people understand themselves better. So, I think that is our main goal and that is what we put into the world to do. "

4.1.3. Achievements "They done it more in the municipality of Ishoj, where they are actually located. But I see really that they have opened a new chapter and which we are also opening right now."

4.2. Employees

4.2.1. Diversity "We have had a lot of the assistants in the art department with another cultural background , but not really in my department , but we do have it in the kitchen for example."

4.2.2. Personal Connections to the Community "I don't live in Ishoj, actually. So personally, I'm less involved of course, because I go back to the center when I go home from work. But of course, I meet a lot of people, I have a network here of teachers and also of children who start to know our faces from Arken because we have been working so much with the schools."

4.3. Departments

4.3.1. Art "My responsibilities are all the core productions of the museum which are the exhibitions, the research, the collections and the design department, if you could say so, who produces all the books and the various communication on art - not the marketing and not the communication, that would be Marie-Louise."

4.3.2. Communication It is of course branding Arken, and giving Arken the most possible visibility in our field and always being concerned about how we position ourselves, and what we are very aware of, is that whatever we do whether it is the food in the café or shop exhibition it always has to be of the highest quality.

4.3.3. Education "I am responsible for education and development of school services. And I am a part of Arken and Education, which is a broader department as you probably understood already."

4.3.4. Internal Structures

5. Environment

5.1. Institutional Environment

5.1.1. Musuem Law " But we also have an intention that all the art institutions in Denmark are going open up for the society more. "

5.1.2. Open School Role of the Municipality "So, my consultant work is about to kind of facilitate the collaborations and to bring people together so they actually see the possibility to work together." Content "In this whole reform of the schools, there is one thing about the schools opening more towards the society around it. But we also have an intention that all the art institutions in Denmark are going open up for the society more." Pioneering Role of Arken "And also, I think we have practicing a similar thing for many years now, so we are in a way ready for it. But many cultural institutions are not - so they have to learn now how to engage in this . So, we wanted to go in front in a way, to show how to do this or find ways to do it."

5.1.3. Political Project "Because in the beginning when Arken was placed here, schools have been very important because Arken was placed here for political reasons, as the area is considered a more socially deprived area[ . And it was a political vision to put an art museum to do some good for the area."

5.2. Area

5.2.1. Descriptions "the area is considered a more socially deprived area"

5.2.2. Implications "No, we actually don’t. Because what is also characteristic about Ishøj is that is the area in Denmark with most nationalities . So, we would have to write it everything, in 20 to 30 languages to reach out for all and everybody."