Short- & Medium-term finance
by Saruul Alyeksandr
1. Finance
1.1. Short-term
1.2. Medium-term
1.3. Long- term
2. External Financing-issues to consider
2.1. Cost
2.2. Gearing
2.3. Size of company
2.4. Current state of equity markets
2.5. Security available
3. Banks Criteria for lending CAMP ARI :
3.1. C = Character
3.2. A = Ability
3.3. M = Means
3.4. P = Purpose
3.5. A = Amount
3.6. R = Repayment
3.7. Interest / Insurance
4. Sources of finance (summary)
4.1. Equity (Long term)
4.1.1. Internally generated (retained earnings)
4.1.2. Ordinary shares
4.2. Debt
4.2.1. Long-term (e.g debentures, preference shares)
4.2.2. Medium- term (e.g leasing)
4.3. Other
4.3.1. Short-term (e.g trade cr, OD)
4.3.2. Government grants
5. Raising Short-Term finance
5.1. Sources of short-term finance
5.1.1. Bank Loans & OD
5.1.2. Trade credit
5.1.3. Factor finance
5.1.4. Bills of exchange
5.1.5. Acceptance credits
5.1.6. Commercial paper
6. Raising medium-term finance
6.1. Sources of medium finance
6.1.1. Bank loans
6.1.2. Leasing Finance lease Operating lease
6.1.3. Hire purchase
6.1.4. Sale & leaseback