Evolution of programming website/ mindap

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1. High level and low level programming languages C sharp/ Python

2. Latest trends in programming Visual Studio 2012 C# Python

3. How can you help society by using programming The programming leads to a result that result will help us to organize robots ,and things thta willhelpus to develop different functions as well we can help the society with programming by making codes and programs that will make our life more easy.

4. What you need to know in order to program? Basically you don´ t need to know anything, you just have to sit infront of a computer and discover a new world of codes that let you a lot of new operations,you just need the codes and varablies with their respective solutions.

5. Reasons to study programming Studying programming lead you a new different worlds of codes and knowledge beacuse these world opens you the door to a lot of different numers, sequences and variables.

6. Important people and their advice about programming Will.iam Mark Creator of Facebook Vanessa Creator of Girl Crew creator of Dropbox Chris NBA player

7. Every in these country should learn how to program because it teach you how to think-Steve Jobs Also we can said

8. Andrea Borrero 9A